DM Osteology
Freelance Osteologist

DM Osteology is particularly interested in working with community archaeology groups and museums with archaeological collections across the country. I offer very competitive rates to suit limited budgets.
I am able to advise on:
Current legislation regarding human remains.
Applications for exhumation licenses.
Best practice on the treatment of human remains.
On site advice on excavation and recording techniques.
Advice on suitable packing materials, labelling and recording.
Cleaning and storage of human remains.
Advice on use of specialist services, such as carbon dating, stable isotope
analysis, DNA.
I offer:
Digital recording of burials and excavated human remains
Post excavation osteological reports.
Basic osteology training for community and museum volunteers.
Presentations to museum and community groups on excavation and post excavation analysis.
I ensure that all work carried out to standards defined by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists and the British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology codes of practice and ethics.